DIMENSION REDUCTION AND SHRINKAGE (cont’d)                                                      STAT 627/427

Statistical Machine Learning, Baron



> library(glmnet)


# This package requires X-variables in a matrix


> X = model.matrix( medv ~ ., data=Boston )

> Y = medv

> ridgereg = glmnet(X, Y, alpha=0, lambda = seq(0,10,0.01))


# alpha is a “mixing parameter”. It combines Lasso and Ridge Regression. We only need the extreme values for now,

alpha=0           =>        ridge regression

alpha=1           =>        lasso


# So, which lambda is it best to choose? Run cross-validation…


> cv_ridge = cv.glmnet(X,medv,alpha=0,lambda=seq(0,10,0.01))

> names(cv_ridge)

 [1] "lambda"     "cvm"        "cvsd"       "cvup"       "cvlo"       "nzero"      "name"       "glmnet.fit"

 [9] "lambda.min" "lambda.1se"


# For the selected values of lambda, we get

cvm = the mean cross-validation error

cvsd” = its estimated standard error

cvlo = cvmcvsd (lower curve)

cvup”= cvm + cvsd (upper curve)


# All these can be plotted


> plot(cv_ridge)


# Which lambda minimized the MSE?


> cv_ridge$lambda.min

[1] 0.12

> predict( ridgereg, cv_ridge$lambda.min, type="coefficients" )


(Intercept) 20.863586526

crim        -0.068099108

zn           0.020536577

indus       -0.068164404

chas         2.777651593

nox         -5.514335229

rm           3.645249869

age         -0.007642606

dis         -0.532994082

rad          0.034679405

tax         -0.002916331

ptratio     -0.676296397

black        0.007674913

lstat       -0.351786530



# Similarly with LASSO, only choose alpha=1


> lasso = glmnet(X, Y, alpha=1, lambda = seq(0,10,0.01))


# Compare the slopes estimated by ridge regression and by lasso

> plot(ridgereg)

> plot(lasso)


# Ridge regression uses all the variables – all slopes are not 0 for all lambda. Conversely, lasso does variable selection and sends some slopes to 0. The number of non-zero slopes is printed in the top.


> cv.lasso = cv.glmnet( X, medv, alpha=1, lambda=seq(0,10,0.01) )

> plot(cv.lasso)


> cv.lasso$lambda.min

[1] 0.02

> predict( lasso,cv. lasso$lambda.min, type="coefficients" )

(Intercept) 18.739101467

crim        -0.024356546

zn           .         

indus        .         

chas         2.009577446

nox         -4.667589527

rm           4.273554725

age          .         

dis         -0.401567952

rad          .         

tax          .         

ptratio     -0.803881292

black        0.006716721

lstat       -0.518576315


# For LASSO, the best lambda to use is 0.02. Some coefficients are 0 – these variables are removed from the model.



# Prediction for new values of X and cross-validation


> n = length(medv)

> Z = sample(n,n/2)


> lasso = glmnet( X[Z,], medv[Z], alpha=1, lambda=seq(0,10,0.01) )

> Yhat = predict( lasso, cv.lasso$lambda.min, newx=X[-Z,] )

> mean((Yhat - medv[-Z])^2)

[1] 23.62894


# This is the test MSE, estimated by the validation set approach.